These days field trips are so much work and so much money that it's very difficult to take classes of almost 30 kids anywhere during the school day. So I have a new plan...instead of a weekday trip we took a Saturday trip. All of the stress of planning, collecting money, and transporting children was gone!

Here's how it worked: We had the parents meet us at the theater for the matinee time = no driving or busing kids. Parents did all the purchasing of tickets and snacks = no money collecting. We allowed for some parents to drop and run, but most parents stayed and had family time with school friends. All were picked up at the designated time and the teachers went out to lunch!
What more could you want in a field trip? To make it even better the parents were all so happy to see that their child's teacher is willing to spend a Saturday with them :P
This trip was so successful for all who went and the ones who couldn't come this time will really want to come next time!
Where should we go next?!
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